Real Estate Rules and Regulations and Where to Find Them in the Code

You can find information about the Real Estate Commission and its laws and rules on its website. You can also search the state legislature for regulations on obtaining a real estate license, continuing education requirements, and code enforcement.

To see what specifically applies to you we encourage you to click on one of the state links below.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Alabama?

The Alabama Real Estate Commission has compiled all the Alabama real estate-related license laws with its references, articles, sections, and chapters on its website.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Alaska?

Alaska Statutes (AS) 08.88 and Regulations 12 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 64 specifically govern the practice of the real estate industry. AS 08.01 - 08.03 and regulations 12 AAC 02 apply to all professions regulated by the division.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Arizona?

You can find all of the Arizona code and statutes regarding real estate licensing and the real estate industry under Title 32 Section 20 of the Arizona state code. The Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) also has many resources regarding licensing.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Arkansas?

Updated real estate license law is found under the Department of Labor and Licensing, Arkansas Real Estate Commission division. It is in the annotated Arkansas Code, which can be found here. The AREC Real Estate Commission rules and regulations were updated January 2021 and are found here. In addition, the Arkansas Real Estate Commission website has links to the rules and regulations.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Colorado?

You can find information about the Colorado Divisions of Real Estate, obtaining a real estate broker license, continuing education requirements, and code enforcement under the state’s real estate manual, program rules, and position statements.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Connecticut?

You can find state regulations regarding the business of real estate in Connecticut under State Statutes Chapter 392, Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Delaware?

You can find the laws and statutes related to real estate in Delaware online at the Delaware Code Online, Title 24, chapter 29, Real Estate Services, Brokers, Associate Brokers, and Salespersons. Other applicable rules and regulations are under the Division of Professional Regulation, Title 24, Real Estate Commission.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Idaho?

Real estate license law is found under Idaho State Statutes, Title 54, Professions Vocations, and Businesses, Chapter 20, Idaho Real Estate Law. The Idaho Real Estate Commission is also covered by administrative rules found here.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Illinois?

You can find the rules regarding real estate in the Illinois General Assembly under Professions, Occupations, and Business Operations (225 ILCS 454) Real Estate License Act of 2000. The administrative code is found under title 16, chapter 8, subchapter B, part 1450.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Indiana?

You can find information about the Indiana Real Estate Commission, obtaining a real estate broker license, continuing education requirements, and code enforcement under IC25-34.1 and its sub-statues. Find information about professional disciplinary sanctions under IC25-1-11-5.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Iowa?

You will find the legislation governing real estate brokers and salespersons in the Iowa State statutes, chapter 543 B.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Kansas?

You can find the Kansas Real Estate Commission Statute Book on the real estate commission website. It also lists and links to the relevant chapters of the Real Estate Transactions Act and the Rules And Regulations of the Kansas Real Estate Commission.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Kentucky?

Kentucky publishes its rules, regulations, and laws regarding real estate in the state statutes, KRS Chapter 324. The regulations were last updated in 2020. You can find them using this link.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Louisiana?

You can find information about the Louisiana Real Estate Commission and its laws and rules on its website. You can also search the state legislature for regulations on obtaining a real estate salesperson license, continuing education requirements, and code enforcement.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Maine?

You can find all of the laws and rules related to real estate on the Office of Professional and Financial Regulation website. This webpage collects all of the Real Estate Commission regulations. You can find the Real Estate Brokerage License Act under the Maine Statutes Title 32, Chapter 114.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Maryland?

The Maryland Department of Labor, Real Estate Commission, has placed all the laws and regulations onto this webpage. You'll find pertinent regulations under Maryland General Assembly Statutes, Title 17, business occupations and professions, annotated code of Maryland. More regulations are under Title 09-11.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Massachusetts?

You can find state regulations and rules regarding real estate practice in Massachusetts General Law Chapter 112.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Mississippi?

Mississippi Real Estate License Law can be found under the state statutes, Section 73, Chapter 35. Information about Mississippi Real Estate Commission regulations is on the MREC website.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Montana?

Find laws and regulations in The Montana Code Annotated 2021, Title 70, Property, and Title 37, Chapter 51. In addition, you can see the Administrative Rules of Montana 24.210: Board of Realty Regulation.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Nebraska?

The Nebraska Real Estate Commission keeps an updated page on the state's licensing rules and regulations. Here you'll find the license manual, which contains all the laws and regulations. You'll also find administrative procedures, Title 299 rules, and Commission interpretations.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in Nevada?

You can find a full listing of all the real estate statutes and regulations on the Nevada Division of Real Estate Statues and Regulations website.

New Hampshire

Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in New Hampshire?

The rules and regulations governing real estate practice in New Hampshire are found in the state statutes, Chapter REA 100, Organizational Rules.

New Jersey

Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in New Jersey?

You will find statutes and laws regarding New Jersey real estate in the New Jersey Statutes Title 45:15. Additional rules are in the New Jersey Administrative Code Title 11:5.

New Mexico

Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in New Mexico?

The New Mexico Real Estate Commissions has information about real estate license law and the Commission rules.

North Carolina

Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules in North Carolina?

The equivalent license to a real estate salesperson license in most other states is a provisional broker license in North Carolina. Entry-level real estate licensees are considered provisional brokers.

North Dakota

Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules and regulations in North Dakota?

The North Dakota Real Estate Commission has all the regulations about real estate gathered in the license law section of their website. You can find it under NDCC 43-23 in the state statutes.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Ohio?

Refer to the Ohio Administrative Code, chapter 1301:5 for information about brokers and salespersons Licensing and responsibilities.


Where can I find information in the Code about Oklahoma real estate license code and rules?

Find information about the Oklahoma Real Estate license code and rules through the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission. This link will take you to the November 2020 Code And Rules.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Oregon?

You can find information about the Oregon Real Estate Agency, obtaining a real estate broker license, continuing education requirements, and administrative rules under Chapter 696 – Real Estate and Escrow Activities.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules in Pennsylvania?

You must complete the 75-hour pre-license course, pass the state exam, and submit your license application along with any required supporting documentation before the Commission will review your case.
Unfortunately, the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission does not pre-review applications to determine if you will qualify for a license based on past criminal activity.

Rhode Island

Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Rhode Island?

The Rhode Island Department of Business regulation publishes all of the statutes and regulations relevant to the Real Estate Commission on its website. You will find the statutory Authority Under RIGL 5-25 and RIGL 5-20-20. Regulations are under Regulation 230 – RICR – 30-20-2.

South Dakota

Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in South Dakota?

You can find the rules and regulations about real estate in the South Dakota codified laws Chapter 36, Section 21 A, Real Estate Licensing.


Where can I find information in the Code about TREC rules and regulations in Texas?

It is difficult to know for certain as TREC does not clearly state what actions would lead to a denial of this qualification.

TREC recommends that when in doubt, you should submit a Fitness Determination form, which will allow TREC to review the circumstances surrounding your specific case. Based on the information disclosed in the Fitness Determination form, TREC will inform you if you will ultimately be eligible to obtain a Texas real estate license.

Fitness Determination is when the Texas Real Estate Commission determines if an applicant meets the qualification for honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity.
In other words, it’s TRECs way of determining if an applicant’s moral character is acceptable to obtain a real estate license.
TREC recommends that a fitness determination be submitted prior to applying for a real estate license.

A Fitness Determination form should be used if you have any prior criminal offenses, unpaid judgments, had any discipline taken against a professional or occupational license you held/hold, or have performed any duties of a licensee while not properly licensed.

The Fitness Determination gives TREC the opportunity to review your case and determine if you meet their requirements of moral character. TREC will determine if any of your prior offenses will prevent you from obtaining a license.

You should submit the Fitness Determination form prior to submitting a license application. Otherwise, you run the risk of going through the entire licensing process only to have TREC reject your application due to a prior offense.

The Fitness Determination form should be used if you can answer “Yes” to any of the following questions:

Have you ever been licensed by the Texas Real Estate Commission?
Have you been licensed as a real estate broker, agent or inspector in another state within the last five years?
Have you ever had a professional or occupational license suspended, placed on probation, or revoked?
Have you ever had a professional or occupational license application disapproved or denied?
Have you ever had any disciplinary hearings or investigations pending against a professional or occupational license you held/hold?
Are there any unpaid judgments against you?
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense, including a felonies, misdemeanors, and military tribunal convictions?
Have you ever been placed on parole, probation, or community supervision?
Do you have any criminal charges pending against you?
The Fitness Determination form should also include a Background History form.

There is a Fitness Determination form fee of $50, which in non-refundable.

If you have any past criminal offenses, unpaid judgments, had discipline taken against a professional or occupational license you hold/held, or have performed duties of a licensee while not properly licensed, you should submit a Fitness Determination form to TREC.

It is recommended that you submit a Fitness Determination form If you have any doubts about meeting TREC’s qualifications for honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity.

If TREC approves your Fitness Determination, you can then proceed with the 180-hour Texas pre-license course and your license application.
When submitting your license application, you should include your Fitness Determination letter.

If your Fitness Determination is not approved, your only available option is to resubmit a new FD with additional supporting documentation. You cannot appeal TREC’s decision on any single FD submission.
If you do not have any additional supporting documentation to submit a new FD form, unfortunately, you will not be able to apply for a Texas real estate license.

If you provided an email address on your Fitness Determination form, TREC will email you their decision.
Otherwise, TREC will send you their decision via mail.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Vermont?

Real estate is governed by the Vermont General Assembly Statutes Title 26, Chapter 41: Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate rules in Washington?

The equivalent license to a real estate broker license in Washington is often called a real estate salesperson license in other states. In Washington, entry-level real estate licensees are considered real estate brokers.

West Virginia

Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in West Virginia?

You can find the West Virginia Real Estate License Act and Legislative Rules in the Code of West Virginia, Chapter 30, Article 40.


Where can I find information in the Code about real estate regulations in Wyoming?

Real estate activity is currently governed by statutes W.S. 33-28-101 through 33-28-401. The Wyoming Real Estate Commission website also lists all of the administrative rules.

Related FAQs

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