What can you do with a real estate license?

As a licensed real estate agent you will be able to legally earn a commission or other compensation by representing sellers and buyers in the sale, purchase, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement, or timeshare.

So this is exciting! Click on your state below to see specifics.


What can you do with a real estate license in Alabama?

An active Alabama real estate salesperson's license enables you to act on behalf of an Alabama licensed real estate broker to transact real estate and earn a commission for your efforts.


What can i do with a real estate license in Alaska?

An Alaska real estate salesperson license enables you to act on behalf of a broker in the business of real estate. You will be able to assist clients with the purchase, sale, lease, or management of real property.


What can you do with a real estate license in Arizona?

An active Arizona real estate salesperson's license enables you to act on behalf of an Arizona licensed real estate broker to transact real estate and earn a commission for your efforts.


What can i do with a real estate license in Arkansas?

An Arkansas real estate salesperson license allows you to legally earn a commission or other compensation by representing sellers and buyers in the sale, purchase, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement, or timeshare. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a broker and be affiliated with a brokerage.


What can you do with a real estate license in California?

Once you obtain a California real estate salespersons license, you can perform all of the duties of a licensed real estate broker.
This includes the sale or lease of residential, commercial, and industrial properties throughout the State of California.
You can also represent buyers or tenants looking to buy or lease residential, commercial, or industrial space.


What can i do with a real estate license in Colorado?

Holding a Colorado real estate broker license enables you to sell or lease all types of real estate in the State of Colorado and earn a commission in the process. You can represent buyers looking to purchase any type of real property in Colorado and earn a commission from an employing broker.


What can i do with my real estate license in Connecticut?

Holding a Connecticut real estate salesperson license enables you to act as an agent on behalf of a client seeking to execute a real estate transaction in Connecticut. This can include the sale, purchase, lease, or management of residential or commercial real estate.


What can i do with a real estate license in Delaware?

A Delaware real estate salesperson license legally enables you to sell or offer to sell, or to buy or to offer to buy, or to negotiate the purchase, sale, auction, or exchange of real estate, or to lease or rent or offer for rent any real estate, or to negotiate leases or rental agreements thereof or of the improvements thereon for others under a broker's supervision.


What can you do with a real estate license in Florida?

As a real estate sales associate, you can do the following in exchange for compensation or in anticipation of compensation: sell, appraise, auction, exchange, rent, lease or buy any business enterprise or any real property or any interest in real property or a business enterprise that performs real estate activities under the direction of a licensed real estate broker or registered owner/developer. A Florida real estate license is required for all real estate activity unless the activity falls under an exempted category, such as a homeowner selling their own home.


What can you do with a real estate license in Georgia?

As a Georgia real estate broker or salesperson you can sell or lease all types of real estate in the State of Georgia, and earn a commission in the process.
This includes single-family homes, multi-family properties, office buildings, retail buildings, and even factories.
You can also represent buyers looking to purchase any type of real property in the State of Georgia, and earn a commission from the seller's broker.


What can i do with a real estate license in Hawaii?

Holding a Hawaii real estate salesperson license enables you to assist clients with the sale, purchase, or property management of Hawaii real estate And be paid for your work.


What can i do with my real estate license in Idaho?

Having an active Idaho real estate salesperson license enables you to work as a real estate professional. You will be able to assist clients with their real estate transaction needs, including leasing or managing real property. You will be able to be paid for your work.


What can i do with my real estate license in Illinois?

Holding an Illinois broker license enables you to transact real estate on the behalf of clients. You can assist with the purchase, sale, or leasing of residential and Commercial Real Estate. You must work under the supervision of a licensed managing broker.


What can i do with a real estate license in Indiana?

Holding an Indiana real estate broker license enables you to sell or lease all types of real estate in the State of Indiana and earn a commission in the process. You can represent buyers looking to purchase any type of real property in Indiana and earn a commission from the seller's broker.


What can you do with a real estate license in Iowa?

If you hold an Iowa real estate salesperson license, you are legally able to earn compensation or have the expectation of a commission or other compensation by representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement or timeshare. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a state-licensed broker and be affiliated with a brokerage.


What can i do with a real estate license in Kansas?

Holding a Kansas real estate salesperson license enables you to work under the supervision of a licensed real estate broker. You can assist clients with the purchase, sale, lease, or management of real property.


What can i do with my real estate license in Kentucky?

Holding a Kentucky real estate salesperson license allows you to assist with the sale, lease, or management of real estate in Kentucky. You can charge a commission for your work in this regard.


What can you do with a real estate license in Louisiana?

Holding a Louisiana real estate salesperson license enables you to sell or lease all types of real estate in the State of Louisiana and earn a commission in the process. You can represent buyers looking to purchase any type of real property in Louisiana and earn a commission from an employing broker.


What can i do with a real estate license in Maine?

A Maine real estate salesperson license legally enables you to engage in real estate brokerage activities as defined by the Real Estate Brokerage Act. As a real estate sales agent, you must be supervised by a designated broker and be affiliated with an agency.


What can i do with my real estate license in Maryland?

Having a Maryland real estate salesperson license means that you can assist homeowners or other agencies with their real estate needs and be financially compensated for your work. You can help with the sale, purchase, leasing arrangements, or property management for residential and commercial real estate.


What can you do with a real estate license in Massachusetts?

A real estate license enables you to complete brokerage activities within the state of Massachusetts and be compensated for your work. This includes the purchase, sale, lease, or property management of commercial and residential real estate.


What can you do with a real estate license in Michigan?

As a Michigan real estate salesperson, under the employment and supervision of a sponsoring broker, you may represent a seller or landlord to sell or lease their property, or represent a buyer or tenant to buy or rent a property, and earn a commission in the process.
This applies to all residential, commercial, or industrial property throughout Michigan.
You may also negotiate on behalf of a client, or engage in property management services for a property owner.
Please note, you do not need a real estate license to buy and/or sell your own properties. You only need a license if you represent a client.


What can i do with my real estate license in Minnesota?

A Minnesota real estate salesperson license enables you to act on behalf of a real estate broker to represent sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a designated broker and be affiliated with a brokerage. Your license enables you to legally earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of a commission or other compensation, for executing these duties.


What can i do with a real estate license in Mississippi?

If you hold a Mississippi real estate salesperson license, you are legally able to earn a commission or other compensation by representing sellers and buyers with their selling, purchasing, listing, leasing, or renting needs for any real property. A qualifying broker must supervise a real estate salesperson.


What can you do with a real estate license in Missouri?

According to the Missouri Real Estate Commission, a sales associate is any individual or legal entity that for another and compensation (or in expectation of being compensated):

• Sells, exchanges, rents, or purchases real property.

• Negotiates to sell, exchange, rent, or purchase real property.

• Lists or offers real property for sale or purchase.

• Advertises to sell, exchange, rent, or purchase real property.

• Procures or assists in procuring prospects to a sale, rent, lease, or exchange of real property.

• Charges unlicensed individuals an advance fee to sell, exchange, rent, or purchase real property. Missouri Statute 339.010(1).


What can i do with a real estate license in Montana?

A Montana real estate salesperson license means you can earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of a commission or other compensation, by representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, or renting on any real property real estate improvement or timeshare. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a designated salesperson and be affiliated with a salesperson.


What can i do with my real estate license in Nebraska?

If you hold a Nebraska real estate salesperson license, you are legally able to earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of compensation, by representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement or timeshare. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a designated salesperson and be affiliated with a salesperson.


What can i do with my real estate license in Nevada?

Your Nevada salesperson license enables you to assist clients with the purchase, sell, or leasing of residential or commercial real estate.

New Hampshire

What can you do with a real estate license in New Hampshire?

If you hold a New Hampshire real estate salesperson license, you are legally able to earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of a commission or other compensation, by representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement or timeshare. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a designated salesperson and be affiliated with a brokerage.

New Jersey

What can i do with my real estate license in New Jersey?

Holding a New Jersey salesperson license enables you to transact residential or commercial real estate on behalf of clients and be financially compensated for your work.

New Mexico

What can i do with a real estate license in New Mexico?

If you hold a New Mexico real estate broker license, you can earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of compensation, by representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement, or timeshare. As a New Mexico real estate broker, you must be supervised by a qualifying broker.

New York

What can you do with a real estate license in New York?

As a licensed New York real estate salesperson, you will be allowed to represent sellers or landlords to sell or lease their property, or represent buyers or tenants looking to buy or rent a property, and earn a commission in the process.
This applies to all types of real estate (residential, commercial, or industrial) throughout New York State.
Please note, you are not required to have a real estate license to buy or sell your own properties.

North Carolina

What can you do with a real estate license in North Carolina?

If you hold a provisional broker license, you may earn a commission or other compensation by representing sellers and buyers in the listing, selling, purchasing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement or timeshare. In all instances, you must be supervised by a broker-in-charge while conducting real estate activities while holding a provisional broker license.

North Dakota

What can you do with a real estate license in North Dakota?

A North Dakota real estate salesperson license legally enables you to earn a commission, salary, or fee for transacting real estate in North Dakota. This includes the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property. As a real estate salesperson, a designated broker must supervise you.


What can i do with my real estate license in Ohio?

Holding an Ohio salesperson license enables you to assist buyers and sellers in the purchase, sale, lease, or management of residential and commercial real estate and earn compensation for your work.


What can you do with a real estate license in Oklahoma?

Holding an Oklahoma real estate salesperson license enables you to assist with the purchase, sale, lease, or property management of real estate in the state of Oklahoma. The license works for residential and commercial real estate.


What can i do with a real estate license in Oregon?

Holding an Oregon real estate broker license enables you to sell or lease all types of real estate in the State of Oregon and earn a commission in the process under the supervision of a Principal Broker.


What can you do with a real estate license in Pennsylvania?

As a Pennsylvania real estate salesperson, you may perform the following duties:

• Perform a comparative market analysis.
• List for sale, to sell or offer for sale, to buy or offer to buy, or to negotiate the purchase or sale or exchange of real estate.
• Negotiate a loan on real estate.
• Lease or rent, or offer to lease, rent or place for rent any real estate within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
• Collect or offer to attempt to collect rent for the use of real estate for or in behalf of such real estate broker.

Rhode Island

What can i do with a real estate license in Rhode Island?

If you hold a Rhode Island real estate salesperson license, you are legally able to earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of a commission or other compensation, by representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement or timeshare. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a designated broker and be affiliated with a brokerage.

South Carolina

What can you do with a real estate license in South Carolina?

If you hold a South Carolina real estate salesperson license, you are legally able to earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of a commission or other compensation, by representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement or timeshare. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a designated broker and be affiliated with a brokerage.

South Dakota

What can i do with my real estate license in South Dakota?

A South Dakota real estate broker associate license legally enables you to represent sellers and buyers in a real estate transaction under the association of a responsible broker.


What can you do with a real estate license in Tennessee?

If you hold an affiliated broker license, you may earn a commission or other compensation by representing buyers and sellers in the listing, selling, purchasing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real estate, real estate improvement or timeshare. However, in all instances, you must be working on behalf of, or under contract with, a broker.

You may represent buyers and sellers of residential as well as commercial real estate. You do not need an additional license to sell commercial real estate.

You can also sell vacation lodging services if you simultaneously hold an affiliate broker license as well as a designated agent license.


What can you do with a real estate license in Texas?

If you hold an active real estate license, you can sell or lease all types of real estate in the State of Texas, and earn a commission in the process.

This includes single-family homes, multi-family properties, office buildings, retail buildings, and even factories.

You can also represent buyers looking to purchase any type of real property in the State of Texas, and earn a commission from the seller's broker.


What can i do with a real estate license in Utah?

Holding a Utah real estate sales agent license enables you to be paid for representing real estate interests in the state. You can assist buyers or sellers of residential and commercial real estate, work in leasing or managing real estate, or exchange real estate on behalf of another person.


What can i do with a real estate license in Vermont?

A Vermont real estate salesperson license legally enables you to earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of compensation, by representing sellers and buyers in a real estate transaction. You can list, offer, sell, negotiate or buy real estate interests on behalf of others. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a licensed broker.


What can you do with a real estate license in Virginia?

If you hold an active Virginia real estate salesperson's license, under the supervision of your sponsoring broker, you can buy, sell, or lease any real estate within the Commonwealth of Virginia and earn a commission in the process. This includes residential, commercial, and even industrial properties.


What can you do with a real estate license in Washington?

If you hold a Washington real estate broker license, you are legally able to earn a commission or other compensation, or the expectation of a commission or other compensation, by representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement or timeshare. As a real estate broker, you must be supervised by a designated broker and be affiliated with a brokerage.

West Virginia

What can i do with a real estate license in West Virginia?

A West Virginia real estate salesperson license legally enables you to engage in and advertise yourself as representing sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, leasing, renting, or leasing option on any real property, real estate improvement or timeshare. As a real estate salesperson, you must be supervised by a licensed broker.


What can you do with a real estate license in Wisconsin?

As a Wisconsin Real Estate Salesperson, you can sell or lease all types of properties throughout Wisconsin.


What can i do with a real estate license in Wyoming?

A Wyoming real estate salesperson license legally enables you work under the supervision of a responsible broker in the business of real estate. You’ll be able to represent sellers and buyers in the selling, purchasing, listing, exchange, or leasing of any real property.

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