When do you need a real estate license and what for?

A real estate license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property.

In addition, if you hold an active real estate license you will be able to advertise and market real estate properties and your services.

Click on one of the states below and see what applies to you.


Do you need a real estate license in Alabama?

A real estate license is required anytime you wish to work with real estate as a broker or salesperson and be paid compensation for your work.


What do you need a real estate license for in Alaska?

A real estate license is required any time you engage on behalf of a client for the purpose of buying, selling, or leasing real estate and will be paid a commission for your efforts.


What do you need a real estate license for in Arizona?

A real estate license is required anytime you wish to work with real estate as a broker or salesperson and be paid a compensation for your work.


What do you need a real estate license for in Arkansas?

A real estate salesperson license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the holder to advertise and market real estate properties and their services. A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in California?

A real estate license is required if you represent a seller, buyer, landlord, and/or tenant in a real estate transaction and earn a commission in the process.
Please note that a real estate license is not required if you want to sell, buy, or lease your own property.


Do i need a real estate license in Colorado?

A real estate license is required if you represent a seller or buyer of real property as an agent and earn a commission in the process. Note that you do not need a real estate license to buy or sell your own home.


Do i need a real estate license in Connecticut?

A real estate license is required anytime you wish to engage in the real estate business acting on behalf of another and earn a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration for your work in the sale, purchase, exchange, or lease of real estate or a mobile manufactured home.


What do you need a real estate license for in Delaware?

A real estate salesperson license is required anytime you wish to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in Florida?

An active Florida real estate sales associate license is required when you represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction, including listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options and renting, and earn a commission for services rendered. In addition, a license enables you to advertise and market real estate properties and your services.

However, a real estate license is not required in the following situations and circumstances occurring in Florida:

• An attorney who only executes conveyances through contracts or whose only real estate activity is otherwise within the scope of their professional duties.

• A certified public accountant performing real estate activity within the scope of their professional duties as a trustee, a receiver, magistrate, or by court appointment, where the purpose is philanthropic.

• Any person, legal entity (like a corporation, trust, or partnership) that sells/leases its own property unless an individual is paid a commission per transaction.

• Any employee of a public utility, local/state government agency, or railroad, who must appraise, rent, sell, or lease/auction real estate to be used by their employer as part of their job, with no additional compensation.

• Any employee of an apartment project who works in the rental office, leasing units onsite for the owner or broker of the complex.

• Anyone salaried employee managing a cooperative/condo project in which there may be rental activities for individual units. However, the period to rent the units must be one year or less.

• Any person or legal entity (corporation or partnership) that, for compensation, sells, buys, or negotiates the purchase/sale of any regulated television, cable, or radio business, unless the transaction includes real property (land, buildings, and other improvements).

• A full-time graduate student attending a Florida Real Estate Commission-approved degree program in Florida, who is acting under the capacity of a licensed appraiser/broker, and only engaged in appraising activity. However, the appraisal must be issued in the name of the person supervising the graduate student.

• The owner of one (or part of a) timeshare who chooses to sell their own timeshare after owning and occupying the property.

• Any company that exchanges timeshares.

• Anyone who is licensed or registered by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation and works as an appraiser or trainee who performs appraisal activities as a part of their job.

• Any individual appraising a railroad (or terminal company) to determine value for tax purposes.

• Any legal entity (partnership, corporation, etc.) or person who is paid compensation for renting or advertising any public lodging for transient occupants.

• A properly registered dealer or any FDIC bank or parent institution who sells, buys, or rents/leases any business entity to an accredited investor. This specific exemption is applicable to any assets/stocks used in the sale or purchase of a business enterprise. It does not apply to the sale, purchase, or rental of land, buildings, or any other improvements not included in the sales or purchase of a business enterprise.

• Owners of apartment projects or property management professionals who pay a referral fee of $50 or less, to an unlicensed individual who rents a unit in the project. This exemption does not authorize unlicensed individuals to promote real estate services, such as the leasing of units.


Do you need a real estate license in Georgia?

A real estate license is required if you represent a seller or buyer of real property as an agent and earn a commission in the process.
It is important to note that you do not need a real estate license to buy or sell your own home.


When is a real estate license required in Hawaii?

A real estate license is required anytime you assist someone with the sale, purchase, lease, or property management of Hawaii real estate and seek payment for your work. You do not need a license to represent yourself in a real estate transaction.


When is a real estate license required in Idaho?

A real estate license is required anytime you wish to assist others with the sale, purchase, lease, or management of real property and be paid for your work.


Do you need a real estate license in Illinois?

An Illinois broker license is required anytime you wish to assist with the purchase or sale of real estate and be financially compensated for your work.


What do you need a real estate license for in Indiana?

A real estate license is required if you represent a seller or buyer of real property as an agent and earn a commission in the process. Note that you do not need a real estate license to buy or sell your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in Iowa?

A real estate salesperson license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


What do you need a real estate license for in Kansas?

A real estate license is required anytime you wish to assist with the purchase, sale, lease, or management of real property and be compensated for your work.


What do you need a real estate license for in Kentucky?

A real estate license is required anytime you wish to assist with the purchase, sale, lease, or property management of residential or commercial real estate inside the state of Kentucky and be paid a commission for your work.


Do i need a real estate license in Louisiana?

A real estate license is required if you represent a seller or buyer of real property as an agent and earn a commission in the process. Note that you do not need a real estate license to buy or sell your own home.


Do i need a real estate license in Maine?

A real estate sales agent or professional license is required anytime you wish to engage in real estate brokerage and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property.

A real estate license is not required to sell or buy your own home, or in certain exceptions, as listed in Maine Statutes Title 32, Chapter 114, Subchapter 1.


Do you need a real estate license in Maryland?

A real estate license is required anytime you assist someone with a real estate transaction or work in Property Management and are paid for your work.


Do i need a real estate license in Massachusetts?

You will need to have a real estate license in Massachusetts anytime you wish to engage in real estate related brokerage activities while representing others and be compensated for your work.


Who needs a real estate license in Minnesota?

You will need a Minnesotareal estate salesperson license to represent a buyer or seller in a Minnesota real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the services. The services include the listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options and renting of real property. The license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

Note: a salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


What do you need a real estate license for in Mississippi?

A real estate salesperson license is required when you wish to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn a commission for your services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, and renting of real property. A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in Missouri?

A real estate license is needed to perform real estate activities except as noted below (Missouri Statute 339.010(7)):

• Any individual or legal entity (partnership, association, or corporation) who owns the property and performs any real estate activity (as defined by Missouri Statutes 339.010 – 330.180, plus Missouri Statutes 229.710 – 339.860).

• Any licensed attorney who is a member of the bar.

• Any auction professional who has been hired by the owner of a property to perform their professional services.

• Any individual who, in a professional capacity is:
○ The trustee or the receiver in a bankruptcy process.
○ An executor or administrator performing in accordance with a court order, or the authorized instruction from a valid will, trust, or deed.
○ A witness in a judicial matter.
○ Any individual who is employed by an agent or an owner of real property who performs the following activities:
○ Delivering and/or receiving applications, amendments, payments, and security deposits related to leases on behalf of the owner/agent.
○ Showing a rental property (or the execution of a lease) to any individual under the direction of an employer who is an agent or owner.
○ Transmitting information that has been prepared by an agent/broker/owner regarding a lease, the security deposit, or monthly payment.
○ Facilitating the administrative and maintenance functions required to maintain an agent/owner’s real estate.

• Any individual who represents a state or federal agency while performing official duties.

• Any individual who is an employee/officer of a public utility or railroad that is governed by the State of Missouri, unless the activity includes the sale, lease, purchase, or exchange of real estate that is unrelated to the employee’s regular course of business.

• Any employee or officer of a lending institution, bank, trust, insurance company, or credit union (among other entities) organized under the laws of the State of Missouri who, as a regular course of the business, engages in real estate activity and conduct.

• Any periodical (magazine, website) that is regulated by the FCC where the advertising of real estate is only incidental to its business operations.

• Any individual employed as a developer selling land that is owned by the State of Missouri.

• Any individual representing a nonprofit organization, provided that the legal entity:
○ Does not offer to perform real estate activities on behalf of another individual.
○ Does not offer to list real estate on behalf of another individual.
○ Does not receive fees or commission (or any other type of compensation) for real estate activities related to the sales, purchase, or lease of real property.

• Any homeowners’ or neighborhood association (as defined by Missouri Statute 441.50) that provides – without any compensation – information regarding the neighborhood to potential renters or buyers. This includes information provided on the internet or in newsletters.


Do i need a real estate license in Montana?

A real estate salesperson license is required anytime you want to represent or advertise to the public in the state of Montana or when dealing with any real estate interest in the state. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting real property. A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in Nebraska?

A real estate salesperson license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home. Also, an attorney is not required to hold a real estate license in order to assist with a real estate transaction.


Do i need a real estate license in Nevada?

A real estate license is required anytime you wish to assist someone with buying, selling, or leasing real estate and be financially compensated for your work.

New Hampshire

Who does not need a real estate license in New Hampshire?

A real estate salesperson license is required to represent a buyer(s) or seller(s) in a real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the rendered services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home. Also, an attorney is not required to hold a real estate license in order to assist with a real estate transaction.

New Jersey

Do i need a real estate license in New Jersey?

A real estate license is required any time you wish to be paid for assisting others with buying, selling, or leasing any real estate in New Jersey.

New Mexico

Who does not need a real estate license in New Mexico?

A real estate broker license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction, and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

You don’t need a broker license to sell or buy your own home.

North Carolina

Do you need a real estate license in North Carolina?

A provisional broker license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction, including listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options and renting, and earn a commission for services rendered. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A broker license is not required to sell or buy your own home.

North Dakota

What do you need a real estate license for in North Dakota?

A real estate salesperson license is required anytime you wish to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


What do you need a real estate license for in Ohio?

A real estate license is required anytime you want to be financially paid for helping others with their real estate needs, such as buying, selling, or leasing any property.


Do i need a real estate license in Oklahoma?

A real estate license is required anytime you would like to earn a commission for work in purchasing, selling, leasing, or managing property on behalf of another person or corporation.


Do i need a real estate license in Oregon?

A real estate license is required if you represent a seller or buyer of real property as an agent and earn a commission in the process. Note that you do not need a real estate license to buy or sell your own home.

Rhode Island

Do i need a real estate license in Rhode Island?

A real estate salesperson license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.

South Carolina

Do you need a real estate license in South Carolina?

A real estate salesperson license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction, and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home. Also, an attorney is not required to hold a real estate license in order to assist with a real estate transaction.

South Dakota

Do i need a real estate license in South Dakota?

A real estate broker associate license is required anytime you wish to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn a commission or compensation for the services.

A broker associate license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in Tennessee?

An affiliate broker license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction, including listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options and renting, and earn a commission for services rendered. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services. An affiliate broker license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in Texas?

A real estate license is required if you represent a seller or buyer of real property as an agent, and earn a commission in the process.

It is important to note that you do not need a real estate license to buy or sell your own home.


Do i need a real estate license in Utah?

A real estate license is required anytime you wish to assist with the purchase, sale, lease, or management of real estate and earn payment for your work. You cannot advertise or assume to act as a real estate agent without a license.


Do i need a real estate license in Vermont?

A real estate salesperson license is required anytime you wish to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction and earn compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in Virginia?

If you want to represent a homeowner or landlord to sell or lease their property, or if you want to represent a buyer or tenant looking to buy or lease a property, and earn a commission in the process, you are required to obtain at least a Virginia real estate salesperson's license.
Please note, you do not need to have a real estate license to buy, sell, or lease any of your own properties. A license is only required if you represent a seller, buyer, landlord, or tenant.


Do you need a real estate license in Washington?

A real estate broker license is required to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction, and earn a commission or compensation for the services. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options and renting of real property. In addition, a license enables the licensee to advertise and market real estate properties and their services.

A broker license is not required to sell or buy your own home. Also, an attorney is not required to hold a real estate license in order to assist with a real estate transaction.

West Virginia

When is a real estate license required in West Virginia?

A real estate salesperson license is required anytime you wish to advertise, engage in, or act as a real estate salesperson in a real estate transaction. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, lease options, and renting of real property. A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.


Do you need a real estate license in Wisconsin?

A Wisconsin real estate license is required if you intend to represent abuyer, seller, tenant or landlord and earn a commission.


When is a real estate license required in Wyoming?

A real estate salesperson license is required anytime you wish to represent a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction. This includes listing, selling, purchasing, leasing, and renting real property. A salesperson license is not required to sell or buy your own home.

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