Can I use my Real Estate License in Another State?

Some real estate agents want to work multiple states. If you have a real estate license in one state already you might be able to obtain another license using real estate reciprocity.

To find out if you can use your real estate license in another state please look at the list below. Choose the new state you want to operate in and see if it has a reciprocity agreement with the state you are already licensed in.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Alabama?

Yes, Alabama’s reciprocity guidelines require applicants to take the Alabama-specific state exam. The Alabama Reciprocal Salesperson Exam has 40 multiple-choice questions relating specifically to Alabama real estate license exam. Time allowed is 60 minutes.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Alaska?

Yes, even if you are applying for a license by endorsement, you are required to pass the Alaska section of the licensing exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Arizona?

Yes, because Arizona does not offer reciprocity with any state, all applicants, including those licensed in other states, must take the Arizona-specific state exam. You can find information about the state exam at Pearson VUE.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like California?

Yes. Since California does not offer reciprocity with any other state, you will have to complete the licensing process just like any other applicant.
You must complete the 135-hours of pre-license education and pass the state exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Colorado?

Yes. Colorado requires you to take the state-specific portion of the exam even if you are licensed in another state.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Connecticut?

It depends. Some states have reciprocity with Connecticut and license holders do not need to take the state exam. License holders in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana do need to take the state portion of the exam. Non-reciprocal applicants will need to take the licensing exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Delaware?

Yes, even if you are currently licensed in another state, Delaware's Department of Professional Licensing requires you to take and pass the Delaware law portion of the state licensing exam.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like Florida?

If you are licensed in one of eight states with a mutual recognition agreement with Florida, you will only need to take the Florida law portion of the state exam. This part of the exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. You must obtain a score of at least 30 correct answers to pass the exam. The eight states with mutual recognition agreements are: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, Nebraska, and Rhode Island. If you hold a real estate license in a state other than one of these eight, you will need to take the entire exam.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like Georgia?

If you have a real estate license in Florida, you can still apply for reciprocity to obtain a Georgia real estate license.
However, Georgia law requires Florida licensees to first take and pass the Georgia Supplement Exam (the State portion of the exam). The application for the State portion of the exam is located in the Georgia Candidate Handbook.
Along with the State exam application, you must include an original certificate of license history from the Florida Real Estate Commission.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Hawaii?

Yes, all license holders still need to take the state exam even if licensed in another state. Hawaii does not have reciprocity with any state. You can apply for Equivalency To The Uniform Section of the examination that enables you to skip the national section of the exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Idaho?

If you are licensed in another state, you'll still need to take the state portion of the Idaho real estate licensing exam. Complete the exam waiver request to be exempted from taking the national portion of the exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Illinois?

If you are licensed in another state, chances are you will still need to take the Illinois section of the state licensing exam. It all depends on if your state has reciprocity or not.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Indiana?

Yes. Indiana requires you to take the State Exam even if you are licensed in another state and if you have reciprocity.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Iowa?

If you are licensed in a reciprocal state, you will not need to take the state licensing exam. If you are licensed in another state, you can apply for a waiver for the national portion of the exam. Licensees in California, Florida, New York, West Virginia, and Wisconsin have to take the full exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Kansas?

Yes, you still need to take the state exam if you are licensed in another state, but you can apply for a client exam waiver to exempt you from the national portion of the state licensing exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Kentucky?

Yes, you will still be taking the state exam in most cases even if you are a real estate license holder in another state. You want to check to see if there is a reciprocity agreement with your particular state and what that means for your licensure process.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Louisiana?

If you’re not a candidate via reciprocity, then yes. The LREC may exempt you from the national portion of the test if you’ve taken it within the last five years. Otherwise, it requires you to take the exam even if you are licensed in another state.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Maine?

Yes. All real estate license candidates, even those currently licensed in other states, are required to at least take the Maine Law portion of the state licensing exam with Pearson VUE.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Maryland?

In most cases, yes, you will still need to take the state exam if you are licensed in another state. When you apply for reciprocity or for out-of-state recognition, the Maryland Real Estate Commission will decide if you need to sit for the state exam and send your testing eligibility to PSI.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Massachusetts?

You can apply for your license and receive a waiver for the state exam and the education component. Applications through reciprocity have to be submitted online through the Division Of Professional Licensure ePLACE portal.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Minnesota?

The Minnesota Real Estate Commission offers full reciprocity for active real estate license holders and residents of Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Oklahoma. License holders in these states do not need to take the exam.

All other license holders will need to take and pass the state portion of the Minnesota real estate salesperson exam. The fee is $39, paid directly to Pearson VUE. At exam time, you will need to present a letter of certification from your resident state that is no more than 90 days old. You will also need the completion certificate from a Minnesota-approved Course I or the 13-hour Wisconsin-to-Minnesota pre-license course.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Mississippi?

Mississippi has different requirements for licensure based on the state you are coming from. You'll need to contact the Mississippi Real Estate Commission directly before you submit your reciprocal license application.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like Missouri?

An out-of-state resident can apply for a Missouri real estate license if they hold a current, valid real estate license from another jurisdiction and they also have:

• Completed the Missouri Real Estate Practice Course (MREP).

• Passed the state portion of the Missouri State real estate examination before submitting the Missouri real estate license application.

• Submitted a Missouri real estate license application within six months of passing the state exam.

• Submitted a recent (less than three months old) license history from the real estate authority managing the applicant's current real estate license.

Applicants can take the Missouri State real estate exam outside state borders but will not be able to register online through PSI Services. Applicants who wish to take the state exam outside the State of Missouri should contact PSI Services’ support center at 800-345-6559.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Montana?

Yes. Out-of-state license holders seeking a Montana salesperson license need to take the state portion of the Montana licensing exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Nebraska?

In most cases, if you are actively licensed and in good standing as a real estate professional in another state, you will be exempt from taking the state exam. You will need to take and pass a course in Nebraska Real Estate License Act and Statutes.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Nevada?

If you are eligible for reciprocity, you only need to take the Nevada-specific portion of the state licensing exam. Otherwise, you need to take the full state exam even if you are licensed in another state.

New Jersey

Can you use your real estate license in another state like New Jersey?

Yes, because New Jersey does not offer any reciprocity with any state, all salesperson applicants must take the state exam.

New Mexico

Can you use your real estate license in another state like New Mexico?

You can be licensed through reciprocity if you are actively licensed in Massachusetts, Louisiana, and Georgia. If you are actively licensed in another state, you can apply for a waiver to the national section of the state exam. You'll need to send a certified license history to the New Mexico Real Estate Commission.

North Carolina

Can I use my real estate license in another state like North Carolina?

Yes, but you will only need to pass the state portion of the North Carolina state license exam before submitting your application, along with a certified license history. You will need to complete the post-licensing education requirement, unless you get it successfully waived by demonstrating you have already completed equivalent coursework.

If you opt not to take the state portion of the exam, you will not be able to waive the post-licensing education requirement.

In either case, you will be issued a provisional broker license if you currently hold a real estate salesperson license, or other equivalent license, in another state.

North Dakota

Can you use your real estate license in another state like North Dakota?

Yes, all candidates who hold a current active real estate license in another state must take the North Dakota portion of the licensing exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Oklahoma?

It depends on how long you have been licensed or where you hold your active real estate license. You will want to look at Oklahoma's pathways for a sales associate license for licensed real estate professionals.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Oregon?

Yes. Oregon requires you to take the state exam even if you are licensed in another state. Some reciprocity candidatesmay only need the state portion of the exam.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like Pennsylvania?

If you are already licensed in another state, the Commission may waive the requirement to take the state licensing exam, or you may only have to take the state portion of the exam.
1) If you hold/held an active real estate license within the past 5 years in a state that offers reciprocity with Pennsylvania, the Commission will waive the state exam altogether and allow you to submit a Pennsylvania license application.
2) If you hold/held an active license real estate license within the past five years in a state that does not offer reciprocity with Pennsylvania, you will only be required to take the state portion of the exam. The Commission will waive the national portion of the exam if you submit a Certification of Licensure (or Letter of Good Standing) from the licensing authority of your state.

Rhode Island

Can you use your real estate license in another state like Rhode Island?

Rhode Island has a reciprocal agreement with licensed real estate professionals in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Florida licensed real estate agents just need to take the state portion of the exam. All other licensed real estate professionals will have to take the full exam.

South Carolina

Can I use my real estate license in another state like South Carolina?

South Carolina has a full reciprocity agreement with the state of Georgia. If you are licensed in another state, you will still need to take the South Carolina-specific portion of the state licensing exam, but may qualify for exemption from the rest of the exam.

To qualify for an exemption from the national portion of the exam, you will have to include your certified license history when submitting your application. In most cases, doing so will allow you to avoid the pre-licensure Unit I education requirement as well prior to taking the exam, but you will need to provide proof of successful completion of the same or similar coursework elsewhere. Your request to qualify as exempt for the pre-license education requirement, as well as exemption from the national portion of the exam, must be approved by the South Carolina Real Estate Commission.

If you only take the South Carolina law portion of the exam, the fee is $55.

South Dakota

Can i use my real estate license in another state like South Dakota?

Yes, if you are currently licensed in another state, you must pass the state portion of South Dakota's licensing exam.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like Tennessee?

If you hold, or have held, an active real estate license from another state and have now moved to Tennessee, you may qualify to have your real estate coursework and passage of the national portion of the exam substitute for Tennessee’s required coursework and national part of the state exam. You would still need to take the Tennessee-specific portion of the state exam.

You will need to download and complete Worksheet A, which will help you understand the requirements you will still need to meet. Once complete, you should submit it to [email protected], along with a certified license history from every state where you ever held a license.

When making your request for your certified license history, do not have it sent directly to the Tennessee Real Estate Commission. Instead, have it forwarded to your own email or physical address. Then, email your license history together with a completed Worksheet A to [email protected]. You can expect it to take 10-15 business days for review, but once complete, you’ll be notified of next steps via email.

You can expedite the review process if you also provide certificates of completion for pre-license and continuing education coursework.

Expect to be asked for proof of passing a national real estate exam. You must have passed the exam sometime after June 30, 1980, with a minimum passing score of 70% on the national section (sometimes called the uniform section) of the exam in order to be granted a waiver for that portion of the Tennessee state exam.

However, if the state where you passed your real estate exam and achieved your license does not use the uniform national section, and created its own instead, you will be required to take both parts of the Tennessee state exam.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like Texas?

If you hold an active real estate license in another state, and you have passed the national portion of the exam in that state, the Texas Real Estate Commission may waive the national portion of the Texas real estate licensing exam. You will only be required to take the state law portion of the exam.


Can you use your real estate license in another state like Utah?

If you are licensed in a state where Utah shares reciprocity, you do not need to take the state exam. Otherwise, licensed applicants from nonreciprocal states still need to take the state exam.


Can i use my real estate license in another state like Vermont?

Yes, if you are a current active license holder in another state who is not following the fast-track endorsement process, you'll need to take the state portion of the licensing exam. This will be administered after you apply for your license.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like Virginia?

Yes, even if you are applying for your Virginia real estate salespersons license via reciprocity, you are still required to pass the state portion of the Virginia state licensing exam.
If you are an out-of-state licensee and your license is currently expired, you must pass both the state and national portions of the Virginia state licensing exam.


Can I use my real estate license in another state like Washington?

Yes, but you will only need to take the Washington law portion of the exam. You will need to include your certified license history when submitting your application. You can usually avoid the pre-licensure education requirement as well, as long as you provide proof of successful completion of the same or similar education elsewhere and it is approved by the Washington State Department of Licensing.

If you only take the Washington law portion of the exam, the fee is the same as if you took the entire exam.

West Virginia

Can i use my real estate license in another state like West Virginia?

Yes, you will still need to take the West Virginia salesperson state exam if you are licensed from another state. Your application will be approved for you to take the state portion of the exam only.


Can i use my real estate license in another state like Wyoming?

Yes, you will need to take the Wyoming portion of the state's licensing exam if you are an active license holder in another state. The fee for that section will be $80 paid to Pearson VUE.

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