Do I need a calculator for real estate exam?

Typically you don't need to bring a calculator for your real estate exam, but you can. Personal calculators must be silent, non-printing, handheld, and without an alphabetic keypad.

Click on one of the states below to see if you need a calculator for your real estate exam.


Can you use a calculator on the real estate exam in Alabama?

A calculator is not required, but PSI does permit you to bring one as long as it is battery-operated, silent, non-printing, and without an alphabetic keypad. Refer to the Candidate Handbook on allowable calculators.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Alaska?

You don't need to bring a calculator for your Alaska salesperson exam, but you can. Personal calculators must be silent, non-printing, handheld, and without an alphabetic keypad.


Can you use a calculator on the real estate exam in Arizona?

A calculator is not required but is suggested. The calculator must be battery-operated, silent, hand-held, non-printing and without an alphabetic keypad. The Candidate Handbook lists acceptable models.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Arkansas?

Calculators are not necessary for the Arkansas state real estate licensing exam. No personal items are allowed in the testing room.


Do i need a calculator for real estate exam in California?

No, you are not permitted to bring a calculator into the exam room.
Instead, the testing center will provide you with a basic calculator to use for the exam.


Can you use a calculator on the real estate exam in Colorado?

Colorado does not permit any personal calculators. An online calculator will be provided with the basic functions you need to answer any valuation and math questions.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Connecticut?

You don't need to, but you can. Any calculator you do bring must not have paper tape capabilities, an alphabetic keyboard, and programming capabilities. It must be battery operated.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Delaware?

The test center staff do not provide calculators. If you wish to bring one, it must be handheld, without an alphabetic keypad, silent, and nonprinting. A calculator malfunction is not a reason to challenge exam results.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Florida?

You may use a calculator as long as it is silent, hand-held, battery-operated, nonprinting, and without an alphabetic keypad. You should arrive at the exam center 30 minutes prior to your scheduled examination to allow test center staff time to determine if your calculator meets state requirements during the check-in process.

If you bring unauthorized supplies, such as those listed below, the items will be subject to removal at the examination site.

Personal items are not permitted in the exam room. If you bring personal items, such as toiletries or snacks, they must be encased in a clear plastic bag no larger than 8” X 11” in size and kept in the locker provided by the test vendor.

The following items are not allowed in the exam room:

• Cameras, recording devices, or computers

• Pagers, electronic transmitting devices, or smartphones/cellular phones. Watches with alarms or beepers should be set so that they will not go off during administration of the exam.

• Any bound or loose leaf reference materials or notes

• Dictionary, thesaurus, or other spelling aids

• Canisters of pepper spray, mace or other personal defense items

• Briefcases, purses, tote bags, portfolios, fanny packs, or backpacks

Additional information regarding prohibited items and security can be found in the Candidate Information Booklet.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Hawaii?

No, you do not need to bring a calculator to the Hawaii state licensing exam. You will have access to an online calculator.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Idaho?

Personal calculators are not allowed at the Idaho state exam. An online calculator will be available.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Illinois?

You do not need to bring a calculator to your state licensing exam, but you can. If you do opt to bring your own calculator, you must be silent, non-programmable, lacking alphabetic keypads, and have no printing capabilities. It must be a stand-alone calculator.


Can you use a calculator on the real estate exam in Indiana?

An online calculator will be provided. You can also bring your own as long as it is silent and non-programmable with no alpha keys.


Can you use a calculator on the real estate exam in Iowa?

No, personal calculators are not allowed for your Iowa state licensing exam.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Kansas?

You do not need to bring a calculator to the state licensing exam. Pearson VUE will provide you with one if necessary.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Kentucky?

You do not need to bring a calculator, but you are allowed to bring one. However, it must be non-programmable, battery-operated, silent, and without alphabetic capabilities.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Louisiana?

You don’t need to bring a calculator, but you can as long as it is a non-programmable calculator. It must be silent, battery-operated, and have no alpha keyboard.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Maine?

You don't need to bring a calculator to the exam, but you are allowed to. It must be silent, handheld, non-printing, and without an alphabetic keypad. The test center staff will not provide a calculator.


Can you bring a calculator to real estate exam in Maryland?

You do not need to bring a calculator, but you are allowed to bring one as long as it is silent, battery-operated, and nonprogrammable. It cannot have paper tape printing capabilities or an alphabetic keyboard.


Can you use a calculator on the real estate exam in Massachusetts?

Personal calculators are not permitted in the exam room. PSI will provide you with an online calculator, and you’ll have scratch paper.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Michigan?

We recommend that you bring a calculator to the Michigan state licensing exam; however, please note, PSI only permits non-programmable calculators that are silent, battery-operated, do not have paper tape printing capabilities, and do not have a keyboard.
You cannot use your smartphone as a calculator.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Minnesota?

You are permitted to bring a non-scientific calculator that is separate from a cell phone or any other electronic device. The test administrator will also provide you with materials for doing calculations.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Mississippi?

You don't need to bring a calculator to the Mississippi State licensing exam, but you are allowed to. Only non programmable calculators without printing capabilities or an alphabetic keyboard are permitted. It must be silent and battery-operated.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Missouri?

Yes. It is recommended that real estate state exam test takers bring a non-scientific calculator to the exam.


Can you use a calculator on the real estate exam in Montana?

You will be provided with an online calculator. Only non-programmable calculators that are silent, battery-operated, non-alphabetic, and paper tape printing.


Can you use a calculator on real estate exam in Nebraska?

A calculator will be provided to you, but you may bring a silent, nonprogrammable calculator without alphabetic keys.


Can you use a calculator on real estate exam in Nevada?

PearsonVUE has built a calculator into the salesperson exam, so you don’t need to bring one.

New Hampshire

Can you use a calculator on real estate exam in New Hampshire?

You will be provided with an online calculator, but you can bring a silent, non-programmable calculator without alphabetic keys.

New Jersey

Can you use a calculator on real estate exam in New Jersey?

You do not need to, but you can. If you choose to bring a calculator, it must be non-programmable, non-alphabetic, silent, and battery operated.

New Mexico

Can you use a calculator on real estate exam in New Mexico?

You don't need to, but you can. Only non-programmable calculators that are silent, battery-operated, do not have paper tape printing capabilities, and do not have a keyboard containing the alphabet will be allowed in the examination site.

New York

Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in New York?

We recommend that you bring a calculator to the state exam; however, the calculator must be battery or solar-powered, silent, non-printing, and not contain a keyboard.
Please note, you cannot use your smartphone as a calculator.

North Carolina

Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in North Carolina?

You may bring a battery-operated, silent calculator for use during the exam, but it cannot be programmable and must not have a keyboard containing the alphabet nor paper-tape printing capabilities.

North Dakota

Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in North Dakota?

You do not need to bring a calculator to your licensing exam, but you are allowed to. You can only bring non-programmable calculators without alphabetic keys or printing capabilities.


Can you use a calculator on real estate exam in Ohio?

You don’t need to, but you can. Only non-programmable calculators that are silent, battery-operated, and do not have an alphabetic keyboard are allowed.


Can you use a calculator on real estate exam in Oklahoma?

You don't need to bring a calculator, but it is allowed. Only silent, non-programmable calculators that do not have paper tape printing capabilities or a keyboard containing the alphabet will be allowed in the examination site. It must be battery powered.


Can you use a calculator on real estate exam in Oregon?

Oregon allows you to bring a non-programmable, silent, and battery-operated personal calculator. It cannot have an alphabet keyboard and must be separate from your phone.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Pennsylvania?

Calculators will not be provided by PSI. You are allowed to bring a calculator to the exam; however, only non-programmable calculators that are silent, battery-operated, do not have paper tape printing capabilities, and do not have a keyboard will be allowed in the exam room.

Rhode Island

Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Rhode Island?

You are permitted to bring a calculator if it is silent, handheld, non-printing, and non-alphabetic. Financial or scientific calculators are not permitted. Calculator malfunctions will not be grounds for challenging exam results.

South Carolina

Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in South Carolina?

Some types of calculators may be brought to the testing center. Calculators must be battery-operated and silent. They may not be programmable. In addition, the calculator’s keyboard cannot contain the alphabet and it may not have paper-tape printing capabilities.

South Dakota

Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in South Dakota?

It is not necessary to bring a calculator, but you are allowed. Only silent, non-programmable calculators are permitted in the testing room. The calculators must not have printing capabilities or alphabetic keys.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Tennessee?

You may bring a battery-operated calculator for use during the exam, but it must be operated silently. It cannot be programmable and must not have a keyboard containing the alphabet nor paper-tape printing capabilities.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Texas?

A calculator is not required; however, it is recommended.
Pearson VUE does not provide calculators. If you choose to use a calculator, you must bring your own.

An acceptable calculator includes any hand-held, battery, or solar-powered financial calculator used in real estate, finance, accounting, and business.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Utah?

You don't necessarily need to bring a calculator, but you can bring one. Any calculator must be hand-held without alpha characters. It can be battery or solar-powered.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Vermont?

You don't need to bring a calculator to the National exam. If you choose to, it must be nonprogrammable and silent. No alphabetic keys are allowed.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Virginia?

It is recommended that you bring a calculator to the Virginia state licensing exam; however, only non-programmable calculators that are silent, battery-operated, do not have a paper tape printing capabilities, and do not have a keyboard are allowed in the exam room.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Washington?

Calculators brought to the test center must not be programmable. They must be silent and battery operated. The calculator’s keyboard cannot contain the alphabet nor may it have paper-tape printing capabilities.

West Virginia

Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in West Virginia?

You don’t need to bring a calculator to your state licensing exam, but you do have that option. If you choose to bring a calculator, it must be silent, handheld, and without an alphabetic keypad.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Wisconsin?

Yes, a calculator is allowed during the exam. Personal calculators are allowed only if they do not make any noise, are hand-held and non-printing. Additionally, calculators with alphabetic keypads are not allowed.


Do I need a calculator for real estate exam in Wyoming?

Calculators are not allowed at the Wyoming salesperson exam. The testing administrator will provide you with materials to make calculations on.

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